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Minutes, January 26, 2009 meeting
JANUARY 26, 2009

A regular meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, January 26, 2009 at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:  Chairman Burnham, Commissioners Dobratz, Gallicchio, Metsack, Sparaco and Winkler.  Also present were Chief Mosca and Deputy Chief Spera.

I.  Call to Order
Chairman Burnham called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

II.  Minutes
A.  December 15, 2008 Regular Meeting
Chairman Burnham asked for discussion or approval of the Minutes of the December 15, 2008 regular meeting.  Motion made by Comsr. Gallicchio and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to approve the Minutes of the December 15, 2008 meeting as submitted.

B.  January 12, 2009 Special Meeting
Chairman Burnham asked for discussion or approval of the Minutes of the January 12, 2009 special meeting.  Motion made by Comsr. Dobratz and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio to approve the Minutes of the January 12, 2009 special meeting, as submitted.

III.  Comments from the Public
No members of the public were present.

IV.  Executive Division Reports
A.  Financial
1.  08-09 Operating Budget
Chief Mosca reported that the Expenses & Supplies portion of the budget is right on track, with 58% of the year expired, and 65% of the budget expired.  He reminded commissioners that several line items are front loaded.  

2.  Asset Forfeiture
Chief Mosca reported the Asset Forfeiture balance to be $15,418.

3.  Capital Sinking Fund
Chief Mosca reported the Capital Sinking fund balance to be $62,370.

4.  Presentation to the Board of Finance
Chief Mosca reported that the Board of Finance has requested other town departments to make budget presentations similar to the one made by the Police Department in November.  Deputy Chief Spera has received  calls from other town departments and agencies for advice and directions on their presentations.

5.  09-10 Budget Process
Chief Mosca reported the proposed budget has been passed on to the Selectmen.  He said he feels the department did a very good job in compiling a budget that met the near 0% increase goal, and that he fears that any cuts to this budget will be dire for the department.  He stated his concern in connection with the current public restlessness with financial issues.   

Chairman Burnham reported that a meeting with the First Selectman has been scheduled this week to discuss personnel matters relative to  labor settlement issues.  She stated that when a budget meeting is scheduled, commissioners will be notified.  She stated that if a decision is made to cut the department’s budget, the commission will have to look at cutting services, as any cuts in other areas will result in cutting services.

Chief Mosca reported he has directed the Deputy Chief to attend all upcoming Board of Finance meetings in order to address any questions that may arise incidentally, in connection with the Police Department budget.  

Comsr. Dobratz asked if the Board of Finance has seen the budget proposal approved by the Police Commission, and the Chief responded that they received the budget books following the commission’s approval, but they have not received the proposed municipal budget from the Selectmen.  

Chief Mosca asked commissioners to attend Board of Finance public hearings and meetings to convey their interest in preserving the budget as submitted.

Comsr. Metsack reported that he attended a public meeting with the Town Assessor with regard to the recent re-evaluation, and stated that  people are very disturbed and he is concerned that budget cuts may be made for all the wrong reasons.  

Chief Mosca stated he hopes things will work out so the department’s and town’s proposed budget will not be defeated.  He stated that as the economy goes down, crime goes up, and with current job losses and the state of the economy, the department very much needs each commissioner’s support of the budget.

B.  Personnel
1.  Executive Session
Chairman Burnham asked for a motion to move to Executive Session to discuss legal strategy pertaining to a labor settlement, and to invite Chief Mosca and Deputy Chief Spera to attend to answer questions.  Motion moved by Comsr. Dobratz, seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio and carried by unanimous vote.  Meeting moved to Executive Session at 7:45 p.m.  Meeting returned to regular session at 7:52 p.m.

Chairman Burnham asked for a motion to accept the Fair Labor Standards Act as it applies to the calculation of overtime settlement with the C.O.P.S. Union.  Motion moved by Comsr. Dobratz and seconded by Comsr. Winkler.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

C.  Comments, Ideas and/or Concerns of the Chief
1.  Chief’s Activities
Chief Mosca stated that in addition to the written report he submitted, he received, on behalf of the department, a plaque from the Patriot Guard in recognition of the Wreaths Across America event, and many other events in which the department participated.  He stated that local Patriot Guard riders were present  for the presentation at the Fire Department

Comsr. Gallicchio asked the Chief about his conference call with the Department of Transportation, regarding Main Street traffic and lights.  Chief Mosca responded that the DOT wanted him to sign off on a plan that was developed seven years ago, and did not contain the latest requested features such as advance signals. The Fire Department pre-emption was wrong, but it was fixed.  DOT is making these updates a priority in order to get approval for the funding by a certain deadline.

V.  Field Services – Reports
A.  Professional Development Activities
Chief Mosca asked if there were any questions about his written report.  Comsr. Gallicchio asked what the police ground fighting was about, and Chief Mosca explained the class, which will be done at the Academy.

B.  Activity Report
Chief Mosca said that in addition to the written report, he would like to note the department has been very busy with a number of serious crimes.  He stated that more arrests are expected in the bank robbery reported at the last meeting.  He stated the owners of Penny Lane Pub seem very happy with the results of an involved investigation of a theft by an employee of their business.  The Chief described a burglary that had taken place at a local business after hours, where Sgt. Rankin was threatened by a knife-wielding intruder.   He reported the department is also doing a sensitive investigation of a police officer from another department.  The Chief indicated that motor vehicle activity is consistent, and suggested the Police Commission can be proud of every ounce of energy coming from this department.

VI.  Support Services – Reports
A.  Traffic
1.  Indian Town Traffic Assessment
Chief Mosca reported he will be inspecting various intersections in Indian Town with representatives of their association and will talk about each intersection and proper signage.  He will then come back to the commission with a plan to be implemented by April or May, if approved.

2.  Study Request – Light Changers & Crosswalks
     Route 1 / Old Post Road
The Chief reported that a request has been received from the town’s bicycle committee to place crosswalks and light changers on Route 1 at its intersection with Old Post Road.  He reported this action would come under State Traffic Commission authority, and the request will be passed on to the state.  Chairman Burnham asked Chief Mosca to inform the bicycle committee that their request has been forwarded.  

Comsr. Dobratz requested that patrols be increased on Schoolhouse Road when warmer weather arrives because bicyclists are in the habit of riding two to four abreast and often will not move for motorists.  Chief Mosca said he can arrange to have vehicles patrol in good weather to address this situation.

Chief Mosca reported there is a statewide safe driving campaign taking place, and arrangements have been made with Channel 3 for Al Terzi to be at a safety presentation at the high school.  The high school is working with Dep. Chief Spera and Ptl. Walsh to create a program that will mandate driver education for high school drivers who wish  to obtain a parking pass.

B.  Emergency Communications
1.  New System Status
Chief Mosca asked Deputy Chief Spera to report.  Deputy Chief Spera stated the goal for completion of the new system is St. Patricks Day.  He has participated in conference calls each Friday.  He stated a team is flying in this week to go to each site and discuss any needed additional construction to be done by Motorola.  He stated that some radios are currently being programmed.  Chairman Burnham noted that this project began 8 ½ years ago.

VII.  Police Commission Business

A.  Police Commission By-Laws
Due to Vice Chairman Conklin’s absence, this item was put over to the next commission meeting.

VIII.  Comments from the Public
No members of the public were present.

IX.  Comments and Concerns of Commissioners

Raised Concern – Budget
Comsr. Dobratz stated he hopes the budget goes through without cuts, considering the affect it will have on services if cuts are made.  Chief Mosca agreed, and stated his hopes that financial tensions in town will be resolved, which would ease the budget process.

Comment – Good Responses from Public
Chairman Burnham stated that in looking at correspondence received, it is good to see that when people interact with the officers, they report good experiences.

Raised Concern – Contract Negotiations
Comsr. Dobratz asked if there is any news regarding contract negotiations.  Chairman Burnham reported some recent movement and her hopes for a good outcome.  She also stated her concern that the budget will be impacted if it is necessary to go into extensive contract negotiations or arbitration .

Comsr. Metsack asked for a copy of the current contract.   The Chief said he would be provided with one.

X.  Adjournment
Motion made by Comsr. Gallicchio and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to adjourn.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m.


                                                        JoAnne Klingerman
                                                        Executive Assistant

These minutes are subject to approval of the
Old Saybrook Police Commission at its
next regular meeting.